BKS Iyengar on Ageing - Part 2

The only difference between now and the early days is that in the early days I was like all other youngsters.I was tempted to do the asana one after the other. Today, I stay in Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana or in Kapotasana for quite a length of time.

At this age I clearly understand the sutra (Yoga Sutras, II.46), sthira (stable, firm) sukham (sweet, easy) asanam (posture) in its total sense. Now, I see in each asana, the perfect freshness and firmness of body, the alert, steadiness of intelligence and the sweet, benevolence of the self. I see whether I can enjoy sthira and sukha in a long stay in Kapotasana. Can I be sthira and sukha in Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasanaa

Sometimes I do ten minutes Parsva sirsasana, on each side. These are difficult asanas. Nobody does the advanced or complicated asana at this age. Nobody takes the risk of doing and staying in these asana as it requires courage. To do and maintain an asana when the muscles and nerves tremor and the loose joints shake, heart beats faster, it is not an easy thing. I am not that type of a person to sit in Padmasana and say, “I am comfortable.” If you are doing yoga, you realise the difficulties as one ages. So, my advice to all of you is that as yoga frees one from the afflictions of actions, afflictions come in chains in old age. Therefore maintain and sustain what you have learnt and do to keep it up then.


This needs not only will power but also courage and faith. By the proper chemistry of will power and courage along with discrimination, the yogic practices generate the energy in the nerve cells as you stay in those difficult asanas for a long time with comfort. At this age I learn lots of things. It is the wisdom that comes at this age. I have not lost this freshness of intelligence.

When you do Parsva sirsasana, sometimes you may not know where the legs are, where the shoulders are, where the load is. For an aging person like me, it is more difficult to have the sensitivity; yet, I have not lost it. Every now and then I come back to the right position in case I deviate from my limbs or mind. I educate the cells that they have to remain where I want them. I try for sthira sukham asanam in these difficult asanas. It is easy to be sthira and have sukham in the simple asana.

I regularly practise pranayama and dhyana in Padmasana. You do not see me early in the mornings to know what I do. You only see me practising ?sana in the hall, but my approach is the same in pranayamadharana and dhyana. To be honest, this is ethics.

Tatah klesha karma nivrttih (YogaSutras, IV.30). With the end of afflicted oriented actions, see that the afflictions do not enter the system or you in old age.

Dipika, 2011


BKS Iyengar on Yoga Practice & Ageing