Commonsense and the Back

Excerpt from Yoga for Backache…

In reading, do not droop over the book; hold it up towards eye level. Watch any tendency to round shoulders and check it by exercise. Watch also a disposition to let head or stomach protrude​.
Other bad habits are carrying heavy bags on one side only ​- usually the same side ​(this should definitely be forbidden to growing children who often carry heavy school bags); and a practice common among young mothers – of holding the baby on one hip with the stomach pushed out to support it​.​ It is true that this enables you to stir the custard or hold the telephone receiver with the other hand but it ruins your posture...Disc trouble

Apart from the warnings given for practicing yoga in general, be careful in ordinary activities not to jerk or put sudden stresses on your spine, especially when leaning forward. Also avoid forcing or straining in any forward movements. ​(As an example of possible dangers to weak discs, one p​upil slipped a disc by pulling her head in suddenly after leaning out a window​).

Get into the habit of arching your spine while standing, encouraging the small of the back to curve inward, ​then flexing it outward.


What's your weight. Do not let it contribute to backache by putting a strain on the spine. Reduce, if necessary, and train the stomach muscles to give firm support to the abdominal organs


Sunbathing relaxes the spinal nerves and allows the sun's vitamin ​D to reach the skin. It is highly beneficial but not when carried to the point of exhaustion or severe sunburn.

Mental attitude

In overcoming illness and painful conditions, perseverance and confidence in yoga's power to heal ​are essential. A positive attitude to any problem, backache included, is a powerful weapon for final victory.

​As for those pains that have their origins in mental or emotional disturbances, though we cannot always solve the problems that cause them, we can, if we wish, allow yoga to help. When the body is healthy, the nerves relaxed, the glands and circulation working properly and the system free of impurities there is a remarkable feeling of well-being, irrespective of circumstances. This physical well-being communicates with and influences the mind, bringing increased optimism, fortitude and in general a more relaxed attitude towards life; while those who go further upon the path of spiritual development will find serenity in peace, as well as freedom from their aches and pains.

Yoga for Backache, written by Michael Volin & Nancy Phelan - 1965


B.K.S. Iyengar & the Iyengar family


Use of Props, B.K.S. Iyengar