Asanas that soothe tired puffy eyes.

Computers, insomnia and hormones can be some of the causes of tired eyes.
Try practicing the following at the end of the day.

Salamba Sirsasana or Viparita Dandasana
Salamba Sarvangasana or Setu Bhandasana
Halasana (supported or active)
Viparita Karani

Pranayama (regulation of life force energy-prana)

There is a verse in Hatha Yoga Pradipika “chale vatam chale chittam” which means where the prana (vishva chaitanya shakti) moves the chitta (consciousness) moves.

With the help of pranayama, we consciously slow down the breath and make it rhythmic, which leads to cessation of our thoughts and achieve tranquility of the mind. 
With the help of deep breathing and retention of the breath one can calm the nervous system and energize the nerves.


Helps hypertension, improves digestion, boost immune system, strengthens the respiratory system, relieves chronic stress, reduce insomnia, can help in post-traumatic stress disorder, improves para-sympathetic nervous system, calms the flight and fright response system and reduce stress hormones.

BKS Iyengar

Our glands significantly control the surge of emotions such as fear, sorrow, grief, anger, agitation, jealousy, love, kindness and happiness and dictate their overt expression.

Our moral values, character, steadiness of Intellect, consistency of thought, creativity, powers of discrimination, consciousness and contentment depend considerably on our hormonal balance. Therefore, the three principles of spiritual development, namely, purity of thought, action and character, depend heavily on the healthy functioning of our endocrine system.

The inverted asana's such as Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana and Setubandha Sarvangasana serve to precisely direct the mind towards the soul


Boost the Body's Immune System


Emotional Stability Practice